I Need A Little Help From You
Hi. As I said yesterday, I have managed to destroy my old blog template. I was fooling around trying to delete "jimmy's jukebox" off of it (the creators wanted me to pay for it. fuck no.) and I deleted more than I should have and crashed the whole damn thing. I wasn't paying close attentionto what I was doing. This is a common theme in my life.
So, anyway, I've had to start over with a new template. No biggie, except that I have managed to lose all the IMPORTANT links to all my favorite bloggers (you included) and I am desperate to get those links back. So, here's the deal: If I had you on my blogroll before, would you please be a dear and email me with your blog address? I'll put ya back pronto, now that I've figured out how to do it.
This is important to me. I need to keep up with you all.
For that matter, if I HADN'T blogrolled you, and you would like me to do so, please feel free to send me your addy and I will gladly include you.
Well Sugar, ya already got me.
Do you really need more than that?
No, I'm not self obsessed...
Email is on the way!
I am scared to do anything with my blog. Its sad.
Oh never mind I see you already have me!
Thanks for adding me back to the blogroll. Good luck for the diet!
where's my sunday mop up?
Thanks for remembering me!
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