Friday, February 22, 2008

I Need A Little Help From You

Hi. As I said yesterday, I have managed to destroy my old blog template. I was fooling around trying to delete "jimmy's jukebox" off of it (the creators wanted me to pay for it. fuck no.) and I deleted more than I should have and crashed the whole damn thing. I wasn't paying close attentionto what I was doing. This is a common theme in my life.

So, anyway, I've had to start over with a new template. No biggie, except that I have managed to lose all the IMPORTANT links to all my favorite bloggers (you included) and I am desperate to get those links back. So, here's the deal: If I had you on my blogroll before, would you please be a dear and email me with your blog address? I'll put ya back pronto, now that I've figured out how to do it.

This is important to me. I need to keep up with you all.

For that matter, if I HADN'T blogrolled you, and you would like me to do so, please feel free to send me your addy and I will gladly include you.


Anonymous said...

Well Sugar, ya already got me.

Do you really need more than that?

No, I'm not self obsessed...

Mel said...

Email is on the way!

I am scared to do anything with my blog. Its sad.

Mel said...

Oh never mind I see you already have me!

Ice John's World said...

Thanks for adding me back to the blogroll. Good luck for the diet!

Anonymous said...


where's my sunday mop up?

Michele said...

Thanks for remembering me!