Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Seth Rogan

The little gut.

The fur.

The smartass smirk.

The baby I bore him.


shut up


Ice John's World said...

Okay, okay, I will add the following sentence to my negative comment of "Superbad":
"At least, Seth Rogan's characters were great in that movie!"

jimmycity said...

John: If you didn't like the movie, that's okay. I remember being the only person in North America who didn't like "Napoleon Dynamite". To each his own, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Um, you're on your own with that one Jim. You're still sexier in my book.

Anonymous said...

Now, I haven't seen The Weather Channel in a long time, but I'd do Jim Cantore.
Any day.

Moderator said...

I've seen that guy a million times. Never knew his name until now.
