Tuesday, May 08, 2007


After my big work out on Sunday, I took Monday off from exercising. I was a little sore on Monday, but this morning, after a full day of goofing off, I was pretty dang stiff. Made me wonder if taking a day to recuperate is really worth it.

Had the usual for lunch on Monday: Chinese Buffet. It's kind of a ritual with the guys in my department that I eat with. Monday night I went out with Rich and Dave and had porkchops, mac and cheese, and braised cabbage. And THAT was the sensible part. I ordered a piece of banana pudding cheesecake for dessert ( I NEVER order dessert!). Every forkful into my mouth was met with "what am I doing? what am I DOING?!?". I dreaded taking my bloodsugar this morning, but when I did it was 108. Not bad for the pigfest I engaged in the night before.

Lunch today was a huge mound of salad and grilled chicken and a grilled steak from another buffet in town. Hey, the guys I work with like the "feed-trough" concept for lunch, okay?

I leave work here momentarily and head directly to the gym. Dinner will be a grilled chicken breast and salad in front of the "Heroes" episode I DVR'd last night.

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